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Beat Your Stress By Following Some Of These Healthy Activities

· Motivational,Happy in Life,Happy Life,Motivational Quotes,Inspirational Books

Stress can be very detrimental if not dealt with correctly and in right time. Follow some of these healthy activities and take inspiration from motivational quotes. Beat the stress to live a happy life.

The way we are conducting ourselves and the lifestyle we are adopting is often strenuous and has the potential to overwhelm us at times. The lifestyle problem is not limited to our profession alone but, in many cases, includes our personal lives as well. So, what do we do when faced with such a situation? Succumb to the stress that has become the part and parcel of modern living or brush it off without caring about it, as long as we can? For the latter, you might turn around and say, it is easier said than done. You are right! Belittling, ignoring or denying the challenges that we face every other day at our homes or workplaces is not the way to tackle any situation. It calls for reorienting our outlook towards life and learning how to live a happy life.

Enjoy the little things:

Recall your childhood when you used to be happy for every small thing. And even if you had a fight with your best friend it would only be a matter of days if not hours before you would patch up. You have to bring those days all over again and give a fresh lease of life to the child inside you. So, start enjoying the little pleasures of life such as watching a butterfly hovering over a flower, figuring out the cloud patterns in the sky, and watching a train chugging along among others.

Recount the positives:

Remember that you are not carrying the burden of all the worries, challenges and problems alone and that there are others who are worse off than you. Just look around you and you will find people enjoying their lives even when they are not experiencing the best of times. Find out the positives that life has given you and cherish them. Take each day as it comes instead of worrying about what the coming day will have in store for you.

Give your best but don’t run for perfection:

Understand that perfection is an idea, just an idea, could be yours or someone else’s but an idea none the less. However getting better every day in your field of work is a reality, work at it. Stop aiming for perfection instead keep putting your best efforts from moment to moment at whatever it is that you do.

Find out what gets you upset or stressed:

If you think carefully, it is the smaller things at your office, home or neighborhood that can trigger anxiety. It is better to write down your feelings in a diary when you get stressed. It can act as a catharsis or an outlet to vent out your feelings. So, maintain a diary and write about your bottled up emotions.

Now, let us focus on the activities that concern your body.

Get rid of unhealthy habits:

The prevailing grain of thought is to take coffee, tea or alcohol to drown your sorrows or anxiety. Nothing can be farther from the truth than this. Excessive consumption of these drinks will put you in a cesspool of anxiety and panic attacks and lead to dependence. So, stay away from such drinks or intoxicants and instead, drink water, fruit juice or vegetable soup. And yes, no smoking please!


This is arguably the best way to feel good about yourself. Start your day with an exercise routine such as walking, jogging, stretching etc. The adrenaline rush you get from exercising can help in fighting the stress hormones. Moreover, exercising can improve your overall health, appetite and lets you enjoy a sound sleep.


Sleep deprivation can trigger irritation and panic attacks and lead to the deterioration of your health. Sleep can be beneficial to your health in myriad ways – for example, by reinvigorating your mind and body.

Eat healthy:

Eat a balanced diet and plenty of water to keep your system nourished and hydrated. Moreover, try eating at small intervals rather than waiting for a few hours to have the major meals of the day.

In addition to the following activities related to your mind and body, you can do certain things for relaxation as well.

Develop a healthy habit:

Try following a healthy lifestyle comprising of yoga, listening to music, reading self improvement books, surrounding yourself with motivational quotes, meditation etc. These activities will help you to stay calm, focused and steer you away from stress.

Be with friends:

Find a time to mingle with friends and engage in a lively conversation with them. These could be about recounting the good old days or discussing about the present day challenges. Sharing your story with friends can help as a stress buster activity.


The eternal question about how to be happy in life can be answered if you have a positive approach towards life. Staying away from vices and enjoying the smaller things in life can keep your mind and body healthy.