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What are The Things to Check Prior to Invite a Motivational Speaker

· Motivational,Motivational Quotes,Motivational Speaker,Invite a Motivationa,Public Speaker

A great motivational speaker can be a highlight of an event. They can keep audiences engaged, compel them to perform better, and make the event more memorable. But it is vital to find the right person for the job.

Some people are born with the ability to speak compellingly. They weave their words carefully and speak with authority, which causes others to pay attention to them. Some speakers cultivate this skill over time and can hold their audiences spellbound, hanging on to every word.

Inviting a public speaker to your event can improve attendance and make it more memorable. But it is essential to find the right person for the job which is easier said than done. You need to consider several factors while looking for and inviting a motivational speaker in India. This article has some tips that can help.

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Things to Check Before Inviting a Motivational Speaker

Before you even go about inviting a public speaker, have a topic and a basic profile of the attendees in hand. Finding the right speaker for the right event is important. Knowing the subject and profile of attendees beforehand will help you find the right person.

1. Speaker’s Videos and Events

The first step to hiring a good motivational speaker is research. Look for videos of their past speeches on websites like YouTube or social media platforms like Facebook. Watch as many videos as you can and browse through comments carefully. Here are some factors to note:

  • Their body language and ability to explain the topic.

  • People’s response in the comments section; the likes, and dislikes.

  • Their personality and tone.

  • Their ideologies and beliefs and whether these characteristics match the audience.

If you can, attend live events of shortlisted speakers or watch live streams of them. This will give you a clear idea of how these individuals communicate and motivate others.

2. Social Media Presence and Engagement

Social media presence is an essential factor to consider in this day and age. Almost every famous public speaker in India has a strong, active social media presence. People are drawn to individuals who inspire and have a great personality, so checking the social media profiles of speakers is a good idea.

  • Look at their Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram follow count.

  • Do they have any well-known followers like industry influencers, celebrities, and business owners?

  • Check how speakers interact with followers online and understand their social capital.

  • Check their Slideshare presence and following. Most speakers will have an active Slideshare account.

This will help you determine if the speakers on your shortlist are popular and compelling.

3. Knowledge of the Topic

Speakers will only speak with confidence and authority if they have knowledge of the topic and are familiar with it. For example, a motivational speaker with a sales background will be the ideal candidate for a sales-based conference or event. They will know the industry-specific lingo, concerns, stressors, and hindrances.

This knowledge will ensure the presentation is relevant, helpful, and engaging. You can ask the speaker about their familiarity with the topic directly or research online. It is important to check this before you invite a motivational speaker to your event.

 4. Their Presentations

The design and style of presentations also play a vital role in the success of the speech. Look at how the slides are designed and presented carefully to see:

  • Do presenters use standard slides?

  • Does the design suit the company or content

  • Do they use short, concise text and clear graphics?

  • Do their presentations contain large blocks of information instead of quick, easily digestible bites?

Research has shown that including presentations with texts and graphics helps attendees understand the content better. Well-designed presentations that emphasise key points of the speech will help engage audiences and keep them interested.

5. The Length of Their Speeches

Have you seen TED talks? Most presentations on this platform are 18 to 20 minutes long. That’s because it is the most optimal attention span of humans. People can’t maintain a clear focus on presentations, work, or other brain-intensive tasks beyond 20 minutes. They either become distracted or disengaged.

That’s one reason most speakers will either complete the entire topic in 20 minutes or break the presentation down to 20-minute sessions. For example, they can break a 40-minute long presentation down into two 20-minute sessions with a short break in the middle.

Great motivational speakers will use the presentation time wisely. They will structure their content to ensure it conveys the message in full.

6. Self Promotion

Many inspirational speakers in India use their social media capital to promote events they speak at.

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  • They post dates and timings on Twitter and Facebook

  • Add pictures to Instagram

  • Encourage their followers to attend if they can.

  • Handle a portion of the marketing for the event through good self-promotion.

  • Send out emails or newsletters to their subscribers.

  • Mention the upcoming event in their videos.

This can help bring more traffic to your event if it open to the public. The speaker’s self-promotion also adds legitimacy to your company or brand, if they’re popular.

7. Communication

Communication is a significant factor, and it’s not just communication between the speaker and their audience. Event organisers and speakers must communicate until the job is done. All parties involved exchange several emails, phone calls, and messages. Invite speakers who respond quickly and are open to conversations.

Good communications between all parties involved would ensure everyone is on the same page. Your event is more likely to go smoothly, with no last-minute hiccups. You can speak with organisers or companies who have worked with your shortlisted speakers before. That will help you determine just how easy it is to work with the speaker.

8. Ability to Work With Other Speakers

It’s not uncommon for event organisers to invite multiple speakers to a single event. This gives them the opportunity to conduct panel discussions and cover a wide range of projects.

Inviting speakers who can work with other professionals in the same field is essential for the success of such events. This is especially important if your event has a keynote speaker and several guest speakers.

9. The Cost of Hiring Them

The cost of inviting an inspirational speaker in India can vary from speaker to speaker. Less popular speakers are more affordable than well-known personages. There are several factors to consider like:

  • New speakers will sometimes speak for free, especially if the event promises them some visibility.

  • Experienced, celebrity speakers will charge premium amounts for their time.

  • Some speakers will pay for their travel and accommodations.

  • Some speakers will require you to make travel and accommodation arrangements for them.

It’s a good idea to set a reasonable budget for the event before looking for speakers. Information regarding their charges is readily available online. You can also ask their staff to provide a detailed expense list.

10. Consider the Feedback

Consider what kind of reviews or feedback speakers get after their events. The wrong speaker can place your brand reputation at risk and alienate the audience. Looking into feedback and reviews can help you avoid trouble down the line. Consider factors like:

  • Is the speaker too controversial?

  • Have they expressed opinions or made comments that don’t suit your ethics?

  • Do audiences consider the speaker dull and boring?

  • Have the speakers encouraged “motivation in life” among their audience?

  • Do viewers struggle to understand the speaker?

Feedback and reviews are the best way to understand if the professional is a choice for your event.

Make sure your speakers are familiar with audio-visual tools and equipment. They should know how to work with microphones, projectors, and other technology. It’s also a good idea to hire people who question their audiences and actively engage them.

How to Invite a Motivational Speaker?

If you want employees, attendees, and associates to get inspiration in life, hiring a good speaker is essential. Here’s a brief look at how you can do about it:

  • Reach out to the speaker on social media platforms or through email informally. Don’t invite them straight away as it is wise to engage them in some conversation first.

  • Once you have decided, write a formal invitation letter and send it out to all speakers on your shortlist.

  • Make sure the invitation letter explains the event objective, expectations, target audience, and other such important factors well.

  • If the speaker can’t commit to your event, don’t pressure them. Thank them for their consideration and ask if they can recommend someone else for the task.

  • Discuss the expectations of the event in advance. This includes all remunerations and arrangements.

It’s important to ensure everyone is on the same page before the event date. This helps prevent problems like cancellations, miscommunication, delays, etc. Keep the communications channel between you and the speaker open at all times.