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Say Goodbye to Your Bad Attitude with these 10 ways

· inspiring books,motivational speaker,public speakers

To achieve your greatest goal in life, one of the vital steps that you can take is controlling your attitude. Your attitude is everything; it creates an impact on your relationships, performance in your work as well as on the people surrounding you. A person is known by his/her attitude; it actually defines the way you look at things in this world. Many public speakers in India start their discussion with a simple question: ‘What kind of attitude brought you to this gathering?’

It may be a simple question but it does compel the listeners to think. You may feel hurt, happy, sad, content and so on but defining your attitude is difficult. Each of us has the power to choose an inner self-encouragement dialogue through which we can motivate ourselves and make us stronger or demotivate ourselves and tread the path of ruins. We all face hard times, negative emotions and heartaches and undergo severe emotional pain. The best way to handle these difficult times is not by measuring how much you are hurt but choosing to respond correctly. The right attitude is all you need to come out of such difficult situations.

Consider your mind to be a computer that can be operated; you have the freedom to choose whether the installed software is useful or useless. Your self-motivational words form the software that controls your attitude and how you present yourself in front of others. In other words, whatever you entry as the input( your brain), it comes out as the output (your attitude).

The most influential words that you can listen is not that of your near and dear ones but of your own inner voice. Remember! Your inner voice can either mend or break you, depending on how you develop yourself. The voice inside you can either be pessimistic or optimistic and it completely relies on how you take the control of your voice. Sadly, our attitudes are actually the products of what we have learned and nurtured from a young age; they are the outcomes of our past experiences. Often stress, fear, anger and low self-respect manifests itself through bad attitudes and it is not at all acceptable. You need to give yourself enough time to go deep into the causes of bad attitude and work on it. The process of recoursing our direction from a bad attitude to a good one can be difficult but the results can last a lifetime.

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Let us look at some useful ways by which you can improve your attitude for the better:

  1. Coach yourself through self-confirmation- Speaking to yourself is really helpful in many ways. Make sure you repeat positive words to yourself several times everyday. The words enter your subconscious mind and you are automatically compelled to think positively. Conviction and faith are the two ingredients that comprise your self-confirmation and when you remind yourself repeatedly, your subconscious receives a positive signal and accepts whatever you say. The overall impact is that it gives birth to positive feelings that fuel your action in the right direction. To know how you can turn your voice from positive to negative, you can listen to the speeches of the top 5 motivational speakers in India on this.

  2. Discover your motives and self-motivate-Everybody grows up with a certain motive, a goal to accomplish. There is no individual who lives without any motive or goal in life. If you have been leading a life without a goal, it is high time you stop doing it. Discover what you love to do, what motivates you and how you can change your life. After discovering your goal, work towards it and keep on encouraging yourself. You will find yourself enveloped in a positive outlook; your body language will also change as you will smile and laugh more, have the energy to work, bubbling with enthusiasm and most importantly, you will start to believe in your potential.

  3. Have a positive internal dialogue with the right attitude talk- Talking to yourself is called an attitude talk and every person must have this. You can effectively overcome your past negative thoughts and behavior by listening to your positive inner voice consciously. Whatever you say to yourself, it has a certain impact on your whole existence. The words that you speak to yourself are the seeds which if nurtured properly can give rise to a big tree with fruits and flowers.

  4. Unleash the inward eye- It is greatly recommended by majority motivational speakers that imagining things always helps. It is an added benefit that is provided to both your conscious and subconscious states of mind and helps to focus and improve your attitude. For example: Nelson Mandela wrote in his autobiography about how he fantasized about the day he would be given freedom, what he would do from that day onwards. Thus if you think about your days to come positively, it will obviously reflect on your attitude.

  5. Watch what you say- What you say to others, comes back to you in some or the other way. Out of anger, we lose our self-control and say harsh words to other people without thinking about the consequences. It is not at all a good thing to go on hurting people around you right? Later on you might regret what you have said but it might be too late to sort out things with the other person. Remember! What goes around, comes around and so are your words.

  6. Greet everyone positively- When anyone greets you, everybody expects to hear a positive reply from you. Same is the case when you greet others. When somebody asks ‘how are you’, don’t just reveal all your problems at one go because not everyone is here to solve your problems. Instead if you greet in a positive way, ‘I am doing great’, you will feel the power of positivity yourself as well as make other people feel positive also.

  7. Enthusiasm is the key to be motivated- One way to invite motivation is by being enthusiastic. It is that desire that includes determination, commitment and spirit. It is that condition of your inner self that is expressed through your actions and compels you to believe in yourself. One of the ways to make your personality attractive and charismatic is by having an enthusiastic nature. Not only you but people around you also feel the power of positivity. If you lack enthusiasm within you, you can easily read some inspiring books written by eminent motivational speakers. It has been seen that people who never had the positive qualities within themselves, have started to show traits of positivity after reading inspiring books or watching inspiring videos.

  8. Connect to your spiritual empowerment- Our spiritual selves are equally important as is our physical selves. Many motivational videos for students emphasize on the need for enriching our spiritual existence because the spiritual realm is the place where the ultimate level of human need extends to. Having a strong faith can induce positivity and motivation within you. Whatever circumstances you might be in, happy or sad, you should not lose faith in yourself. Meditating at the starting of the day will help you to reconnect to your spiritual being and recharge you for the rest of the day. It will also influence the right attitude to handle every situation in your life.

  9. Don’t forget to add humor to your life- A powerful motivator that you can always inculcate in your personality is humor. The more humor you have in your life, the better will be your attitude in handling your life. It is said that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and this is true in all respect because the more you laugh, the lesser stress will affect you. This means it will automatically force you to have a positive attitude that will be manifested through your action. Moreover, there are ample health benefits of laughing out loud. It will keep you hale and hearty!

  10. Exercising is the best way to be motivated- It has been scientifically proven that people who exercise regularly are more positive and healthy than people who don’t. While there are scientific explanations for this but one significant impact is that exercising is an invitation call for motivation. Maintaining a regular exercise routine not only improves your health in terms of muscle development and weight loss but it instills a ‘feel good about yourself’ factor within you. ‘Only 10 minutes of exercise a day will keep bad attitude away’, keep this formula in your mind and start exercising from today itself! Obviously you can increase the duration according to your convenience. But if you want to start your day on a positive note, exercising is the right way.

Conclusion- Practicing bad attitude may seem to be the ideal way to face life but that is not so. Transforming your bad attitude by following these 10 tips can be difficult for you initially but once you get control over it, you will never want to return again to your former self! For the best guide on how to transform your bad attitude to a positive one, you can hire motivational speakers and achieve effective results.